Lifestyle Writing


Holistic Living Ghostwriting

Have a book to share with the world, but struggling to express the words with clarity, consistency and completeness?

Although ghostwriting has been around for aeons, where the ‘author’ hires a writer to ‘ghost’ the likes of autobiographies or memoirs on their behalf, these days it’s easier to leverage the writing of all manner of non-fiction subjects to an experienced ghostwriter.

Using a ghostwriter streamlines the process of taking your concept, wisdom and ideas so that a compelling, well-structured story unfolds with authenticity, insight and reader-friendly appeal.

Not only is ghostwriting a way of getting your story on the page, you retain your name as the author and it’s written in your voice. Alternatively, the voice is created for your body of words.

What have I ghostwritten?

To date, I’ve ghostwritten:

  • A thought-provoking book about creating a ‘wholistic’ economy, for a healthier, fairer and wiser world. (Publication TBA.)
  • Holistic healthcare for pets. 
  • Leadership coach Nancy Kaur’s intimate, insightful and humanistic professional development guide, LifeCENTRIC Leadership™: Bringing People, Profit and Purpose Together. (Published by Nancy Kaur in 2022.)

Nancy Kaur's LifeCENTRIC leadership book

Bill Decarli's Lasseter's Reef book cover

  • An author contribution (5000 word chapter) on managing a business with a holistic approach for Insiders Know-How: Running Your Own Business. (Published by Kizzi Nkwocha in 2014.)

  • Part of a self-published self-development guidebook and the structural edit of the original manuscript.

I also did the research and edit for lifestyle e-guidebook State of Shop. (Published in 2014.)

Ghostwriting Specialties

I ghostwrite adult non-fiction books with a focus on life stories and holistic living.

Non-fiction subjects and areas of interest that I enjoy writing about include:

  • conscious, creative living
  • life writing, including real life and soul adventures
  • personal growth and self-empowerment
  • regenerative practices / caring for our landscapes
  • natural horsemanship

Ready to bring your story to life? Consider the questions in the Insightful Guide, then contact me to arrange a time to discuss your manuscript. Please note that I am usually booked several months in advance for writing manuscripts from scratch. 

Kristin Lee

Get in touch with me

0402 250 409