Lifestyle Writing

Conscious Living

Will changing the date of Australia Day change anything?

Will Changing the Date of Australia Day Change Anything?

Australia Day has been and gone. However, the ongoing debate about whether January 26 should or shouldn’t be our national day continues to escalate. Each year, Invasion Day rallies and Survival Day events gather more and more momentum. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people want to be seen, heard and respected, and rightfully so. These

Will Changing the Date of Australia Day Change Anything? Read More »

Why dating for a cause is worth it

Why Dating for a Cause is worth it (Even if it doesn’t go to plan)

Earlier this year, I created a small fundraising initiative-cum-social experiment of sorts: Seven Dates in Seven Weeks for charity. It was to support The Good Life Farm’s remarkable ‘grassroots healing’ programs that assist at-risk youth. For me, the concept, which I was inspired to do after participating in something similar — Five in Five — a

Why Dating for a Cause is worth it (Even if it doesn’t go to plan) Read More »